Our education system

Why don’t I ever come across people who donate Tintin comics? Why why why? Oh, wait I just did. On my face is a gleeful smile which makes me look like a maniac but for once I’m not bothered. I didn’t know there were people, species of human, who give their Tintins away. I have sadly outgrown them otherwise would have brought them home with me. But yes, I did “borrow” them. Now as a crusty adult I give away books which I won’t read again so maybe these kids are detached like that from the beginning which is just as well (my conversion is fairly recent). And, also they have no time to reread so why clutter the house?

Okay, but really, what kind of a childhood is that where children have no time to read comics forget reread books for leisure? I wonder if that affects their psyche in any way. *Reminds self to look up studies in this regard.*

Leisure is a bad word. Possibly worse than murder. What can I say I recently watched The White Tiger, and murder is on my mind. I have already given away the book so. *shrugs*

Fill up their time.
Fill up fill up fill up.

Fill up their day with all sorts of activities.
Let not a moment go waste.
Lest they will be out of the rat race.

Human parents who want their children to be lab rats.
Race race race
To the invisible finish line.
And to what end?
To be the same in a million
Different genes but expressing identical thoughts
Thinking for oneself thrown out of the window.

Studying English and Mathematics is still understandable but why on Earth would you teach coding to a 10 year old? Aren’t today’s kids burdened enough? I feel for children who aren’t allowed to play on weekdays. I knew a couple of them growing up, and while we played they studied. I can’t speak for them but my childhood wouldn’t have been the same if I hadn’t been allowed to let off steam after school. There should always be time to ride a bicycle. But then who am I, an aimless wanderer with no riches to my name, to say anything at all to today’s smart kids?